We're a curious team
We aim high, treat hard problems as puzzles, and believe the most amazing things in the world are things we haven't learned yet.

Our story
(wherein we rely on a steam engine analogy)

In 1698, when Thomas Savery arrived at an English mine with the world’s first operational steam engine, most of the miners probably appreciated having a handy new tool to move water out of their way. What they probably didn’t think was “We’re witnessing the beginning of a new era in human history.”
But that’s exactly what was happening...

Fast forward to 2023. The rise of generative AI is one of the most significant technological developments in human history. Bigger than the steam engine. Bigger even than Thomas Savery’s hair.
The big question
If these times are so amazing, why does everyone seem so alienated, stressed and... freaked out?

How can we fix it?
It comes down to three simple things:

Our approach
Fixify’s tech gives your users top-tier service backed by a team that truly cares about solving problems and helping people.

Your tech
We plug into your ticketing and productivity apps

Our tech
Whip-smart tech automates everything that’s routine

Our team
You decide what categories of issues we handle